In this post, I’ll be sharing some Magic Kingdom memories from our last trip. But I guess I should introduce the Blueprint family, first!

I’m Jennifer, a psychologist, writer, and creator of Blueprints for Magic.
I’m married to my wonderful husband, Ryan, and we have two children: our son, Asa, and our daughter, Dylan.
On our last trip to Walt Disney World, we arrived on Asa’s 6th birthday and spent an entire week at my dream resort, The Beach Club. Dylan was 2 1/2 years old at the time so she was old enough to understand and enjoy what was happening at the time but doesn’t remember many details.
We’re in the process of planning for our next trip in March so I asked everyone to share their favorite memory from our most recent trip. It is a hard question to answer about a seven day trip and all ended up mentioning a memory from Magic Kingdom.

Asa: After a few minutes of thinking answered with “Space Mountain”. Asa loves roller coasters but this was the first he had ever done in a single-seat, meaning that he couldn’t hold onto me or his dad throughout the ride. Space Mountain is also a super dark ride and you can’t see the track ahead of you. He explained that he liked this ride because he had to be brave and “do it by myself”.

Dylan: When I asked Dylan what her favorite memory was from Walt Disney World, she answered quickly with “Ariel”. She did not explain if she meant the Under the Sea: Journey of The Little Mermaid ride at Magic Kingdom, or meeting Ariel at our mommy-daughter brunch at Akershus in EPCOT. So, I’m just going to go with the cute clam-shell ride in Fantasyland of Magic Kingdom. I know I had fun, reliving my childhood and singing all of the songs out loud as we went through each major scene of the movie.

Jennifer: My favorite memory of our last trip is when I took the kids to meet Mickey and Minnie in Town Square of Magic Kingdom. They were dressed in their confetti Special Celebration outfits. Both kids were excited and had been patient in the 30 minute line. When it was our turn, Mickey got down on one knee and extended his arms out to Dylan for a hug but she pushed him away and ran straight towards Minnie, leaving Mickey flabbergasted, confused, and heartbroken. But the way Dylan embraced Minnie with her whole heart and trust, well, it made me proud that my girl knew exactly what and whom she wanted that day and that she believed Minnie was waiting just for her.

Ryan: Riding Pirates of the Caribbean is Ryan’s favorite Magic Kingdom memory. He was impressed with how immersive and detailed it is and the unique personalities of the pirates. It was a ride we all loved!